Friday, October 21, 2011

What were you born to tell the world?

I am currently going through a book called Praying for Purpose for Women.  Each day the book asks a question, and then has you pray about the question.  A couple weeks ago the question was, "what were you born to tell the world?"
It is an interesting and thought provoking question, one I hadn't given much thought to previously.  The answer, once I reflected on it, came quite quickly and was one of the reasons for starting this blog. I was born to tell the world that joy can come after weeping.
So what were you born to tell the world?  Were you born to tell the world about the joys of adoption, the fulfillment found in living childfree?  Were you born to tell the world that God can free you from addiction, forgive you for abortion, heal you from sexual abuse?
You were born to tell the world something.  What is it?

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